Prachanda failed to run the country. It is big commend for him to resign the ministery. who resigned as prime minister on Tuesday after serving for 263 days in government, seemed a lot more relaxed ut his day was not less hectic. Dahal was busy holding consultations with senior Maoist leaders mosltly on elephone. It is the difficult stage in the country where there is not leader and the proper position of the officer and the workers. This any think can happen. Being the change on the political parties and the position of the country it just suck the country. This condition is creating Nepal more poor and the oposition parties are going to make the thing good. But can they perfor all the task which the Dahal cant. it is most quirious question today who is holding the country and who is the responsible for the country now. We are sufffering for the lot of problem and the politician are getting the opertunity and earning the money from the country and dividing economy one by one.
This time the annual budget is forcast by another party or the leader and then conduct the flow of economy to his oneplace and what about the problem of the nepalil people. This the country is getting back because of the politician and the parties. all the parties and the politicean are same.
Now it is the turn for the new People and new corrage the Nepal need to be hold and the country need the support of the new Generation. The new generation and courage is with YOU. Are u ready for the revolution. This al l the political parties need to be defesit and need to wear our from the country and need to creat the Democratic Republic of Nepali People.
Solution is Not Violent.